PRO India on Pyrolysis

What do you think of when you see plastics waste mixed with muck and everything else that you see lying along the roadside or brought back into landfills! Sure you cant think of recycling that.

What’s the solution to plastics which are mixed with one another ( think of MLP where PE is mixed with Nylon and Aluminum) to create barrier properties that are Un-paralleled and at that cost. Making then Un-Recyclable too! What’s the solution? bringing them back ( long-distance and carbon negative) as part of EPR to incinerate it in Cement Plants. That’s like realizing negative value from a Rs 100 / Kg plastics !!

What if we make OIL form the same mucky & mixed plastics – its called PYROLYSIS. Welcome to Pyrolysis – solution to mixed and distributed plastics waste.

We generate Fuel Oil for boilers @ Rs45 a litre ( 30 % cheaper than FO / LDO / Diesel).

Technology studied by Pro India & TERI and presented to Petroleum Ministry.

Our dependence on Oil Imports for all our energy needs can be reduced if we make our own OIL. And nothing better than waste plastics to produce OIL. Two birds with one stone 

Pyrolysis …. way to go!

#Recycleplastics #Wastemanagement #plasticpollution #pollution #plastics #sustainability #ourchildren #india #PROIndiaRecycling #school #earth #SwetchtaHiSewa #swatchhbharat #teri #beatplasticpollution #unep #undp #plastics #pollution #beatplasticspollution #modigovernment #recycling



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